5 things you can do today to help restore our planet

  • Seoana Sherry-Brennan

    Seoana Sherry-Brennan

    Digital Communications and Prize Engagement Officer

    View profile

04 Jun 2021

To mark World Environment Day tomorrow, we’re giving you some ideas of ways you can support the revival of the Earth’s ecosystem.

From lush, green forests which help to absorb vast quantities of carbon dioxide, to the picturesque coastal regions that provide people with employment and food, we all depend on healthy ecosystems in some way. Sadly however, we are losing the planet’s precious ecosystems at an alarming rate, with over 4.7 million hectares of forest being lost every year – that’s an area larger than Denmark, and equates to one football pitch every second. 

That’s why, this year, World Environment Day has launched the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, a global rallying cry for everyone to do their part in healing our ailing planet. A decade might sound like a long way away, but scientists have determined that these next ten years will be the most crucial to preventing irreversible climate change. 

So, with that in mind, we’ve done our research and come up with five tangible things you can do to help support the restoration of the earth’s ecosystem. Some are as simple as altering your daily habits and routines, so encourage your friends and family to take action as well!

Volunteer for your local conservation group

Love animals? There are lots of ways you can donate your skills and time to look after the wildlife in your local area. The Wildlife Trusts have tons of opportunities, including community gardening, species surveying (such as looking for otters!), caring for nature reserves, plant identification and GPS mapping. Head to the website to see where your nearest Wildlife Trust is, and what type of help they’re looking for. Although volunteering opportunities are currently on hold due to coronavirus, you can still sign up to volunteer when possible. Please note, you do need to be aged 14 or over to volunteer!

The elusive otter is one of our top predators, feeding mainly on fish, waterbirds, amphibians and crustaceans.

four otters on a wooden platform

Use your voice

If you’re not able to volunteer or help out in-person, don’t worry! There’s still plenty you can do to support this fantastic cause. Gen Z is the first to be so  aware of our impact on the planet, and you know what they say, knowledge is power! Speaking up is one of the most powerful things you can do especially if it’s to the right people. Write a letter to your local MP and tell them to commit to action to protect our natural world. Use social media to contact the brands you buy from and get them to tell you how their products are sourced.

Eat a more sustainable diet 

Food production is one of the biggest contributors to wildlife extinction, with what we eat contributing to around a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions. It’s also responsible for almost 60% of global biodiversity loss, as farming animals for meat and dairy requires huge amounts of space, water and feed. Plus, producing meat creates heaps more carbon dioxide than plants such as vegetables, grains and legumes. One simple thing you can do is cut down on your meat consumption at home and move towards a more plant-based diet

Switching to a plant-based diet is a great way to be more sustainable at home

sliced tomato, avocado and sweetcorn on a wrap

Reduce your waste at home

We know lots of you are doing this already, but it cannot be said enough – recycle, recycle, recycle! By recycling as much as we can, we are drastically reducing the amount of new materials we need to make, which means less harmful emissions from factories and shipping products. Next time you go to throw something away, take a moment to pause and consider whether you could turn that item into something new. How about reusing an empty pasta sauce jar as a candle holder? Or turning a tin can into a new pen pot for your desk?

Shop more consciously 

Purchasing power is one of the ways we can truly make a difference, and show retailers that we want them to do better. Next time you go to the supermarket, or browse your favourite high street shop, take a closer look at the labels. By supporting eco-friendly products which are less damaging to the environment, you’re encouraging companies to source and produce their products in a sustainable way. And, remember, buying less will save you money, reduce waste and improve your environmental footprint. Think about that next time you go on a shopping spree, and rather than clicking straight onto your favourite online retailer, try buying second-hand from somewhere like Depop, or Vinted.

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